27 Dec 2010

Some inspiration!

Just some interesting articles I would like to share: (click on the photo to read the article)

[Be more with less - live on purpose]
- a blog with absolutely stylish and green philosophy

[ How would you spend 1000 euros in Amsterdam? ]
- a project about creative ideas on what you can do with 1000 euros in Amsterdam

[ Green Vacations: How to Travel in Sustainable Style ]

[ Before & After: Give Water ]
- a bottle design ceoncept. "give love to protect our environment"

[ Tesco Sustainable ]
- a sustainable package design using existing products

Chymo @ 27 Dec 2010

20 Dec 2010

Brand new start

The Sustainable Tourism Project 2010 is funded by the Erasmus Program of Europe. Launched in 2008, it is a three year project involving 5 different universities who represent the five different countries including: Belgium, Finland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, and Spain.

This year, the Rotterdam Businesses School of The Netherlands is represented by five individuals: Carla Montagnani Salles, Chymo Meng, Dandja Huitink, Ivan Capelle, and Mireille Nicolaas, will focus on the Economic Aspect.

This year the research question in mind:
Which role does sustainability play in the process of tourists with respect to their destination and their activities?

"The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them." 
-- Paul Hawken

Groetjes from Holland!
Chymo Meng
Carla Montagnani Salles
Dandja Huitink
Ivan Capelle
Mireille Nicolaas

Chymo @ 20 December 2010