23 Mar 2011

Kaunas... here we are!

Group picture at Schipol Airport in Holland
(left to right) Dandja, Carla, Mireille and Chymo, Ivan (back)
Finally! After a long journey from Rotterdam (NL) to Kaunas (LT) that took more than 14 hours... (Yes, 14 hours!!!) we finally arrived in Kaunas. We came in company of our Marketing and Sustainability teacher Mr Core van Leeuwen. In the next week we will have Ms Natalie Aldous joining our group as well.

We had some issues to find the college hostel where we are going to stay for the next 2 weeks but once we got here everything started to work quite good.
On Monday we had the group introductions and afterwards we had the presentation of our research result, which will be further published here on our blog.

Ivan and Dandja


Belgium Team

Susanna  Saari (Finnish team's supervisor and lecture at TUAS - Finland) giving presentation on 
"Tourism routes in the context of responsible tourism - environmental approach" 

Dinner with the Belgium team

Interesting link to share: www.myfootprint.org

The Dutch Team wishes to all the students participants a
 very nice time in Kaunas!

Groetjes from Lithuania!!!



  1. Dear students,

    Nice and sunny pictures of your excursion.
    Especially those earpigs looks delicious!

    I am sure you enjoyed the presentation of Mrs. Aldous.
    I rely on you coming with a creative presentation of the overall results.

    Please, give my regards to Inna.


    C. van Leeuwen

  2. Dear students,

    Enjoy your last day in Kaunas and good luck with the final presentation.

    Also have a nice and easy journey to Holland.
    See you-with stories-next week.

    Kind regards to both students and teachers.

    C. van Leeuwen
