23 Mar 2011

Second lecture and workshop – Cultural approach in tourism and tourist routes

Lecture: Cultural approach in tourism and tourist routes -  Kauno Kolegija – Asta Valaityle-Brish

During Ms Asta class we watched a movie about the Lithuanian traditions in which we could see the how the ancestors celebrated Christmas, Easter and Mardi Grass and the Pancake Day to celebrate the end of the winter. This traditions are represented nowadays in local festivals.

For the group assignments each national group need to think about a tourist route that involves cultural aspects from each country, including museums, traditional food, accommodations, cultural attractions and local festivals.

The group work was very interesting to do because we could discuss about the cultural attractions that tourists can see in the Netherlands. Among the attractions we included in our presentation the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam, the Keukenhof in Lisse, some traditional food such as the Stroopwafel and Gouda Cheese, and local festivals as the Queen's Day, when it is celebrated the birthday of the Queen Juliana, mother of the current Queen Beatrix.

Our team members Chymo, Dandja and Ivan with the Belgium front

During the same class, with the Lithuanian group members

With the Finnish team

And with “las chicas Españolas”

As you can notice, our dear Mireille is not present in any of the pictures because she was ill on this day and she was resting at the hostel recharging the batteries.

Work Shop – Afternoon

During the work shop and team work in the afternoon the groups were discussing about the Environmental part of the questionnaire.
First it was analyzed the general data involving all the countries were some conclusions could be taken. Following, each group member compared the general results with each national result in order to see if there were any expressive differences on the results.
It was very interesting to see that in general the European tourists are environmental conscious and they want to their part. This consciousness was expressed in all the group ages and people with different income.
Interesting to highlight that due to different infra structure among the countries there were issues that were more important in some countries than in others, for example the public transportation.

At the evening the Dutch team was working together to get ready for the next day to discuss the ICT perspective of the Sustainable Tourism which you can find more information on the next post! And off course… taking care of Mireille!

Greetings from Lithuania,
Dutch Team

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